Listen to the
Coming Home to Joy Podcast

We created a podcast just for you…

Put a business coach in your pocket!

You have dreams, you need money to live the life you want; so, you start a home business.  Suddenly you find yourself in a world where you feel alone, overwhelmed, misunderstood, and frustrated. Branding, events, selling, social media, emails lists, and all things marketing make your head hurt.  Trying to grow a business, homeschool the kids, be a wife and good Christian have you constantly behind and struggling for balance. 
That’s the bad news.   The good news, it doesn’t have to be this way.

The Coming Home to Joy podcast was created by Coach, Tina Joy Cochran for you.  It’s a mix of training, interviews, tips, and action items that fit easily into a busy lifestyle so you can find the work/life balance that seems lost forever. It’s like having a business coach in your pocket as you go about living your life. 

From Tina Joy – “I believe God designed women with unique gifts they can use to earn a living through entrepreneurship. I've discovered that sales & marketing is where they get stuck the most. I provide coaching, content, and community so women can build a business full of JOY and support a lifestyle they love.”

Join us for an episode or subscribe and change your life for good.

Check Out Other Podcast Interviews with Tina Joy